
All repositories can be found on the github page. Current and complete dependency information can be found in the pom.xml within each repository. The main dependencies are highlighted below. All projects inherit dependencies from the SciJava POM.

Repository Function Dependencies
mars-core Primary repository for Mars containing core data storage modules, image processing algorithms, and SciJava commands. JacksonJson, SCIFIO, Apache Commons, imglib2, SciJava Common, SciJava Table
mars-fx Primary repository for the Mars GUI, called the Mars Rover. Written in javafx with supporting libraries for charting, image viewing and markdown editing. mars-core, ChartFx, BigDataViewer, RichTextFX, Flexmark, UndoFX, WellBehavedFx, Flowless, ControlsFX, ReactFX, JFoenix, and large portions of Markdown Writer FX were incorporated and are slowly being updated to better support future development.
mars-scifio SCIFIO MarsMicromanager format and translator. Adds MM 1.4 support, bug fixes and enhancements. SCIFIO
mars-trackmate Mars-TrackMate exporter supports for conversion from TrackMate to Molecule Archives. mars-core, TrackMate
mars-lumicks Mars lumicks h5 format importer. Converts lumicks h5 files to Molecule Archives. mars-core
mars-smd Mars Single-molecule Dataset (SMD) format importer. Converts smd json files to Molecule Archives. mars-core
mars-tutorials Repository with all example files accompanying the tutorials as well as example scripts.  
mars-docs All information to build the mars documentation website.  
mars-fmt Experimental mars flow magnetic tweezer plugin development. mars-core
fmt-scripts Analysis scripts from Agarwal & Duderstadt, 2020, Nat. Comm.. mars-core, mars-fmt
mars-swing Outdated and unmaintained mars gui written in swing. mars-core