Sigma Calculator

The ‘Sigma Calculator’ tool calculates the error value in a specific region of all traces in the Molecule Archive. By either specifying a region of interest manually or selecting it in the plot of a trace the sigma value for a region of interest is calculated. This error value can be used as an input in the Change Point Finder command and will automatically override a global sigma value. This gives the user the possibility to optimise the fitting process for each trace individually if desired.


  • MoleculeArchive - Select the Molecule Archive to apply the Sigma Calculator to.
  • X Column - X-coordinates (f.e. time or frame).
  • Y Column - Y-coordinates (axis of movement).
  • Region - Select which region of the trace to use in the calculation: all slices, defined below, defined in Molecules or defined in Metadata.
    When selecting the option ‘Defined below’:
    • from - Start frame (T) number.
    • to - End frame (T) number.
  • Region - Enter region name to use that is defined in the Archive.


  • y_sigma - The value of the calculated error at the specified settings as a parameter to each Molecule entry.

How to run this Command from a groovy script

#@ MoleculeArchive archive
#@ ImageJ ij

import de.mpg.biochem.mars.molecule.*;

//Make an instance of the Command you want to run
final SigmaCalculatorCommand sigCalc = new SigmaCalculatorCommand();

//Populates @Parameters Services etc. using the current context which we get from the ImageJ Input

//Set all the input parameters

//Run the Command;